Well the Dr who is the husbands consultant thinks it would be good for him to get out of the hospital  for a bit before he starts Cycle 2 on Thursday, so after they take his blood today they are going to ring up a little later rather than wait for the results, to see if his level is low enough and therefore when I go there tonight he can come out/home with me.  I say home it will be to his parents as we are back to the hospital in the morning for the new PICC line.

So fingers crossed Cycle 1 will actually have finished today.  1 down 5 to go. Though only 1 before the operation.

Finally feel like we are making some progress.   Hope to report later that that is the case.  🙂


On a different note the work laptop is proving to be a dream in this awful weather and meant I have been able to work from home the last two days, it’s going to be a godsend I think over the next few weeks/months.  I’ve even managed to dial in by phone to a meeting this afternoon.   For the first time in a couple of weeks I actually feel I will be able to cope with work/the husband/the LO/the house and all the travelling.  A huge amount of stress has gone and nothing has had to give.

Well we arrived just after 7pm but he still hadn’t had the results.. At 8.25pm just before visiting finished we overheard a nurse call up asking about them. We then heard her telling another 0.1 then she said 0.11. The second nurse then walked over to us but we already had sad looks on our faces so she asked if we had heard. We nodded. So he had dropped exactly the same amount as last week from 0.25 down to 0.11. So bloody close but not low enough to come with me and the LO when we left a few minutes later. Totally gutted, we had been planning after going to the PICC appointment tomorrow morning we would go and get the LO her first real pair of shoes.
Its either put on hold a little longer or go without him. I dont really want him to miss something like that. I know its just shoes but its still a little milestone. He should have a hand in choosing them. Even though he said he wasnt bothered and is missing stuff anyway being stuck in hospital. I said hes only missed a few new words really and were both bound to miss a few when shes at nursery. Shes waited 3 weeks for shoes so far I’m sure a couple more days wont hurt her.
So we are at the inlaws tonight and the LO is staying here while I go in for the appointment in the morning.